Photo: Dawn Huczek

it is impossible to miss the red bird
the only ember alive
this snowy March
this gray March
this bitter March
this windblown


Carol Pearce Bjorlie grew up in Richmond, Virginia, which she considers the source of her writer’s voice. She has a bachelor of music degree in cello performance from East Carolina University and an MFA in writing from Hamline University. She teaches music at the University of Wisconsin, River Falls, and writing at The Loft Literary Center. Carol continues to perform and have her work published, including, most recently, a poem in a 2010 anthology, The Wind Blows, The Ice Breaks: Poems of Loss and Renewal by Minnesota Poets, from Nodin Press.

 Photo courtesy of Dawn Huczek. Browse Dawn’s photostream on Flickr.
Posted in: Poetry
Tagged: 2012, birds, snow, winter