Golden Thyme Café
921 Selby Avenue
Saint Paui, MN 55104

Friday, June 8, 6:30 p.m.


Out of the Mouths of Millennials

Millennials express themselves with their voices. Yet their voices are too often unsung and unheard. Let’s hear their words and their critical analysis of what is happening in the world today. This will be a panel discussion; come with questions. Kemet Imhotep will facilitate the conversation.

Aubriana Jackson graduated from Central High School in 2013. She’s currently employed at Warners’ Stellian appliance store as an office manager. She worked as a middle school teacher for Freedom School for three summers. Her personal interests are hair, makeup, photography, film, singing, spoken word/poetry/writing, acting, EATING, and cooking. In five years Aubriana’s goal is to be completely self-employed. She would like to have both her own salon and photography businesses established, as well as have some of her writings published. She also would like to become a motivational speaker and life coach.

Chelsie Sheppard is employed as a servicing representative for Securian, also known as Minnesota Mutual. She is currently attending NDC’s business entrepreneurial course. Her business plan is to create a program that educates underserved communities in financial literacy, home ownership, and life skills. She is also looking forward to starting school to become a life insurance agent, so that future families can have stability and a sense of financial freedom. Chelsie enjoys working with her community and looking for avenues to grow and prosper. In the years to come, she plans on being a homeowner and a business owner, with a legacy to leave her children.

Nasir Jackson is currently attending North High School. He is involved in AVID and plays basketball with friends during summer break. In his spare time, Nasir draws and plays games with friends. In five years, he sees himself working as a teacher in business training. In ten years, he hopes to own his own business.

David Bedeley is currently attending North High School. He is involved in AVID and plays basketball frequently with friends during his spare time. He also enjoys reading, listening to music, and cooking. In five years, he sees himself in college taking business classes and working toward a career in real estate. In ten years, he plans on being a businessman and starting his own business franchise in real estate.

Kemet Imhotep was conceived in Oklahoma and born in Saint Paul. “Kemet Imhotep…finds himself…in hiz own self-created Twilght Zone, striving for balance and knowledge of self…see’z everything so different now…speechless…at what he see’z all around him. However, he alwayz knew…that the Youth waz the Key! Now…in 2018, how do we transfer the Keyz to the Youth in such an hour…that’z the question. What method can we use…how can we show our Elderz…that they are the Key…to the Youth’z Key’z…to the Future…?” Kemet struggled with the public school system. He was in the class of 1990 at Central High School, and finished at the Area Learning Center located in the Uni-Dale Mall. Kemet’s writing has been published in Blues Vision (Minnesota Historical Society Press) and the Saint Paul Almanac (Arcata Press). He regularly publishes stories in a newsletter format about boxing and the Rondo community.

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