Saturday and Sunday: Last chance to see the Spring Saint Paul Art Crawl!

Don’t let rain stop play! It only happens a couple of times a year (next one in Fall) and where else can you see art by over 325 resident, guest and gallery artists? And, in such beautiful and historic buildings? And, best of all, it’s free! Come and visit with the artists and performers who have made this grassroots event into such a success. Art lovers of all ages are invited to visit artists’ working spaces to view a wide range of art and the historic architecture of Saint Paul. Special events, music and more, as well as always-surprising unexpected entertainments add to the weekend’s ambiance.
Remaining days: April 30th — Saturday afternoon, noon-8 pm; May 1st — Sunday, noon-5 pm. For more information see
Check out more events in our Saint Paul Calendar at
The 2011 Almanac is a finalist in the Travel and Reference categories of the 21st Annual Midwest Book Awards!
The Midwest Independent Book Publishers Association (MIPA) has announced finalists for the 21st Annual Midwest Book Awards. Entries included a record 213 titles from publishers in the 12-state Midwest region. Books were reviewed by judges for excellence in 36 categories.
Browse the list of nominees here. Winners will be announced at the awards event:
When: Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Time: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Place: Bloomington Arts Center, 1800 W. Old Shakopee Road, Bloomington, MN
Reservations are required to attend the awards event. IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND, YOU MUST RSVP to Karen Walhof, chair:
New writing from Terry Ford, Karina Strom, and Captain Bob Deck
Angels in the Skyway
By Terry Ford, April 30, 2011
In April 2009, my wife and I lost our house, then I decided to be homeless, and being depressed didn’t help things. This was a year from hell. Then I met some angels in the skyway of downtown Saint Paul. I did research and found out about the Dorothy Day Center. I stayed there at night, and I met some people I liked. Lindsley was someone I could talk to about religion and baseball—he was the first person to give me hope that things would get better. It was there that I learned a lot about people like myself who are homeless. I got to see that a lot of them are pretty caring people and very intelligent. They’re people just like you and me.
Rachel’s Trees
By Karina Strom, April 30, 2011
One of my favorite places in Saint Paul is Rachel’s Trees. Rachel’s Trees is a memorial to my sister who passed away a few days after birth. The trees are a small part of Como Park, but they are beautiful. They bloom white buds in the spring. They are only about five feet tall, but they are very important to me. Usually my mom, dad, and I go down to see the trees on my birthday.
High Water
By Captain Bob Deck, April 30, 2011
A grizzled old towboat mate of twenty-six named Steamboat Bill explained the dangers of working in high water to me in very simple, very direct terms. “Rule number-one is: Don’t fall in! If you fall in, you’re dead. It’s that simple. The current will drag you under and you’ll drown!” He told me this from the deck of a barge moored in South Saint Paul in the spring of 1975, when the Mississippi River was rising fast. Years later I watched as another young deckhand learned this lesson.
UPCOMING ALMANAC EVENTS: May 9th Lowertown Reading Jam: Desdamona presents “Silence and the Sound”
The Saint Paul Almanac continues its year-round literary celebration of Minnesota’s capital city with the acclaimed Lowertown Reading Jams. The May 9th presentation of the eclectic series, curated by Desdamona, features readings by four spoken word performers living in Minnesota. The “Silence and the Sound” Lowertown Reading Jam will be presented on Monday, May 9th, 2011 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Black Dog Coffee and Wine Bar, 308 Prince Street in Saint Paul.

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Donate to the Almanac. The Saint Paul Almanac builds community through providing forums—in print, online, and at events around the city throughout the year—to share our individual stories. Every year, 2000 students in St. Paul’s public high schools receive a free copy of the Almanac. Your donation of $25 will help pay a poet, essayist, or short story writer, or make an almanac available to two Saint Paul Public School students. The Saint Paul Almanac is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and donations to our mission are tax-deductible. If you love Saint Paul as much as we do, and recognize the value of the Almanac, help us get it out there with a generous donation. Donate online now at