TWISP | This Week In Saint Paul: Monday, December 28th, 2015 – Sunday, January 3rd, 2016
December 27, 2015
I want to share a few of those important things with you this week, as well as an important note to our faithful readers over the past two years. We are changing more than just our calendars. We are going through some changes here at TWISP, and we want to keep you with us as we transform the new year and ourselves.

TWISP | This Week In Saint Paul: Monday, December 21st – Sunday, December 27th, 2015
December 20, 2015
A brief taste of winter was scooped into our season’s palate for a moment last week. It was good to feel this check of reality in today’s atmosphere where reality is such an easy casualty of insane ambition and a pervasive willingness to accept entertainment as fact. It is no irony that the past month’s weather reminds us of the discourse of the airwaves.

TWISP | This Week In Saint Paul: Monday, December 14th – Sunday, December 20th, 2015
December 13, 2015
In Saint Paul, our sisters and brothers invest sweat and tears in freedoms, artistic and otherwise. Sometimes we offer a welcome hat, and other times we try our best to offer refuge against the protestations of neighbors who have forgotten how and why their great grandparents came here.

TWISP | This Week In Saint Paul: Monday, December 7th – Sunday, December 13th, 2015
December 6, 2015
Almost a month late, a thin version of the winter blanket has come to the landscape. Shifting landscapes meet changing climates that days later gave me the opportunity to be outside in a strange December balm.

TWISP | This Week In Saint Paul: Monday, November 16th – Sunday, November 22nd, 2015
November 15, 2015
As the real world continues to creep closer than nostalgic comfort, one might engage in the tendency to hide. We can pretend that the lines drawn on our geographies will keep us safe and sane, but our hearts have always been more porous than walls and fences. We can hide, or we can engage and shake the truths out of the confusion. Art helps.

TWISP | This Week In Saint Paul: Monday, November 9th – Sunday, November 15th, 2015
November 8, 2015
This is that hard part of autumn for me, when all the baseball is done and the rain has knocked the leaves off the trees, still with their warm-colored hues, but helpless on the ground, maybe to be raked or swept up or maybe to wait for the snow blanket where they will sleep until it is time for baseball again.

TWISP | This Week In Saint Paul: Monday, November 2nd – Sunday, November 8th, 2015
November 1, 2015
Each week, I share some great things to do in this great town. We have some great ways to connect with our neighbors and friends and what it means to be in Saint Paul. They are suggestions. It is great if you can do some of them, but sometimes life is just too busy. But there is one thing I really urge you to do if you live in Saint Paul on Tuesday. VOTE!

TWISP | This Week In Saint Paul: Monday, October 26th – Sunday, November 1st, 2015
October 25, 2015
Last Friday the rain slowly crept its way into our autumn. Even though the street sweepers have made their rounds, out my front window the sign telling us not to park there is stuck in a ground littered with even more leaves than when it was first staked. Rain is knocking leaves from the trees faster than the turning calendar. That means it is time to get out and see the town before the season turns.

TWISP | This Week In Saint Paul: Monday, October 19th – Sunday, October 25th, 2015
October 19, 2015
How many more Saint Paul authors will win literary prizes this year? Two weeks ago, we were talking about Julie Schumacher winning the Thurber Prize for American humor. Last week, Macalester College professor Marlon James won the Man Booker Prize.

TWISP | This Week In Saint Paul: Monday, October 12th – Sunday, October 18th, 2015
October 12, 2015
There is no rest for the wonderful. The fall has been busy and maybe you think you need a break, but when you realize that Saint Paul is not sleepy enough, you might be willing to miss some rest yourself. The ball of culture keeps rolling this week with a ton of happenings in Saint Paul.