
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
7:00pm - 8:00pm


Eat My Words Bookstore
Eat My Words Bookstore
13th Avenue Northeast, Minneapolis, MN
Map & Directions

Following our launch of Volume 13: A Path to Each Other, the celebration continues with a series of readings around town!

Join us to mingle, celebrate, and get your book signed! Each reading is unique, with a different set of readers, location, and time, so you can find one that fits your schedule and your neighborhood, including virtual readings.


With light refreshments. Hosted by executive editor Wendy Brown-Baez.

The literary collection features the works of ninety-three contributors and the cover art of the incomparable George Morrison, the acclaimed Minnesota Ojibwe artist. Morrison’s work appears courtesy of the Minnesota Museum of American Art Collection, © Briand Morrison.