
Saturday, January 28, 2023
3:00pm - 4:30pm


Minnesota Humanities Center
Minnesota Humanities Center
Ivy Avenue East, Saint Paul, MN
Map & Directions

Following our launch of Volume 13: A Path to Each Other, the celebration continues with a series of readings around town!

Join us to mingle, celebrate, and get your book signed! Each reading is unique, with a different set of readers, location, and time, so you can find one that fits your schedule and your neighborhood, including virtual readings.


Also includes senior community editor Claudette Webster in a panel discussion, followed by light refreshments.

Hosted by executive editor Wendy Brown-Baez.

The literary collection features the works of ninety-three contributors and the cover art of the incomparable George Morrison, the acclaimed Minnesota Ojibwe artist. Morrison’s work appears courtesy of the Minnesota Museum of American Art Collection, © Briand Morrison.