Juneteenth 2020
Filmmaker Phillip McGraw explores what Juneteenth means to communities around the Twin Cities. Storymobile is a program sponsored by Saint Paul Almanac.

Take Back Pride – 2020
On Sunday June 28th, 2020, filmmaker Katharine DeCelle was downtown Minneapolis for Take Back Pride – a rally for JusticeForGeorgeFloyd and DefendBlackTransFolks.

Storymobile Podcast

A Tapestry of Community Celebrating the Life of George Floyd
Filmmaker Phillip McGraw interviews protestors, artists, and community members in the wake of the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police.

News about RONDO: Beyond The Pavement
Congratulations to our filmmakers! RONDO: Beyond the Pavement was selected to play at YoFi MicroFest Black History Month Showcase at the YoFi Digital Media Art Center in Yonkers, New

Storymobile to Collect State Fair Stories at the Minnesota State Fair
Contact: Clarence White clarence@saintpaulalmanac.org 612-267-9036 SAINT PAUL (Aug 4, 2018) Do you have a favorite State Fair story? Something memorable? Something emotional? A love story? A funny fair story? On

New and Improved Storymobile 2.0 Brings Better People-Powered Storytelling to the Streets of Saint Paul
New and Improved Storymobile 2.0 Brings Better People-Powered Storytelling to the Streets of Saint Paul Contact: Melvin Giles,melvin@saintpaulalmanac.org 651.792.6963 Clarence White, clarence@saintpaulalmanac.org 612-267-9036 SAINT PAUL (June 4, 2016) Construction is

October 4th, 2014 – Soul Sounds Open Mic – with the Storymobile
A handful of dedicated young people have been pulling through the streets of Frogtown and Old Rondo for an entire summer. Have you seen it? The buzz around this brilliant idea has created as much dedication from its followers as it has from the folks who have been pedalling the bike that pulls it.

Storymobile Brings People-Powered Storytelling to the Streets of Saint Paul
SAINT PAUL, MINN. (May 28, 2014) – June 14 marks the rollout of Saint Paul Almanac’s Storymobile. Storymobile is a moveable community engagement tool that makes it easy to share, display, collect, and generate the narratives that make Saint Paul the vibrant and diverse city that it is. Look for this multimedia, solar-powered roving art space throughout the summer. This “stories on wheels” is on a bicycle trailer with ready tools—iPads, microphones, amps, and keyboards, as well as good old paper and pencil—to share and record stories.