Lowertown Reading Jam: “In the Spirit of Our Mothers”
April 5, 2018
Amoke Kubat and the Saint Paul Almanac present the Lowertown Reading Jam: “In the Spirit of Our Mothers” Featured writers include: Amoke Kubat ♦ Fayise Abrahim ♦ Jasmine Boudah The

The Lowertown Reading Jam Returns to the Black Dog with Brittany Lynch’s “Knowledge of Self”
October 27, 2017
Contact: Clarence White clarence@saintpaulalmanac.org 612-267-9036 SAINT PAUL (November 22, 2017) November marks the return of the popular Lowertown Reading Jams. Saint Paul Almanac presents Brittany Lynch, Dr. Sheronda Orridge, and

Dakota Writers Speak to Presence
December 12, 2016
Colleen Casey, Lisa Yankton and the Saint Paul Almanac present the Lowertown Reading Jam: “Dakota Writers Speak to Presence” Featured writers include: Colleen Casey ♦ Rosetta Peters ♦ Richard Merlin
Keno Evol’s “Black Poets On Black Magic – Joy & Survival”
November 7, 2016
The Lowertown Reading Jam at the Black Dog with Keno Evol’s “Black Poets On Black Magic – Joy & Survival” Contact: Clarence White, clarence@saintpaulalmanac.org 612-267-9036 SAINT PAUL (November 2, 2016)

The Lowertown Reading Jam Returns
September 26, 2016
The Lowertown Reading Jam Returns to the Black Dog with Irna Landrum’s “A World Without End, Amen” Contact: Clarence White, clarence@saintpaulalmanac.org 612-267-9036 SAINT PAUL (September 22, 2016) October marks

“Makato Wokiksuye” Dakota Writers Speak to Presence
December 19, 2015
On the 153rd anniversary of the largest mass execution in the history of the United States, the hanging of thirty-eight Dakota men in Mankato for their role in the U.S. Dakota War, contemporary Dakota writers speak to Presence.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015: Kevin Vollmers with Gazillion Strong present “The Minnie-rasure” of People of Color at the Lowertown Reading Jam
July 5, 2015
Do I see myself in the water’s reflection? Do you? Or have we been written out of this Minnesota Brand all together? “The Minnie-rasure” of People of Color.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015: Michael Kiesow Moore and Morgan Grayce Willow present “ArtTransForms” at the Lowertown Reading Jam
June 15, 2015
As we strive to make a better world, be it in our personal journeys or to make a more equitable society, art-making plays a crucial—even transformative—role. This reading will ask, How does art transform our lives? Can writing a poem or making a painting act as an agent of social change? Does the process of making art transform what we are given?

Wednesday, May 27, 2015: Ka Vang presents “The Word | The Blues” at the Lowertown Reading Jam
May 15, 2015
Stories and music are able to shine a light on our personal woes in a world of harsh realities: a lost love, the cruelty of others, systematic injustice and hard times. These tales and tunes are what move us, make us feel alive and inspire us.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015: Emmanuel Ortiz presents “Farmworkers and Food Justice” at the Lowertown Reading Jam
April 12, 2015
On the eve of the anniversary of the death of Cesar Chavez, one of the most iconic figures in the fight for farmworker justice in the United States, we honor the lives and work of farmworkers, and celebrate the struggle for workers’ rights and food justice. The poets featured each have an organic relationship to the issues, some of them being descendants of farmworkers, some doing food justice work. All of them use art to tell the stories and change the world.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015: Eva Song Margolis presents “ReMix the Struggle” at the Lowertown Reading Jam
March 6, 2015
In responding to instances of racial and social injustice, how can we transform feelings like righteous anger, sorrow, and grief to drive change? What is the relationship between self-transformation and structural transformation?

Wednesday, February 25th 2015: Sharon M. Day presents “Uprisings” at the Lowertown Reading Jam
February 16, 2015
People are arising
All over this land.